关于「 wbird」的内容列表

WBIRD's current offer is 0.172USDT, which is currently up 38.7%.

On January 18, according to the official news, the opening price of WBIRD was 0.1814USDT, an increase of 38.7%, and the current quotation was 0.172 USDT.

2025-01-18 17:39:29
WBIRD当前报价0.172USDT 当下涨幅38.7%

1月18日消息,据官方消息,WBIRD开盘价格0.1814USDT, 当下涨幅38.7%,当前报价0.172USDT。

2025-01-18 17:39:29
Lucky Bird token WBIRD breaks through $0.42

The market shows that the Lucky Bird ecological token WBIRD broke through $0.42 and is now reported at $0.4286. The highest increase in the past hour exceeded 23%, and the daily increase was 32.57%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.

2024-08-14 17:27:02
Lucky Bird生态代币WBIRD突破0.42美元

行情显示,Lucky Bird生态代币WBIRD突破0.42美元,现报0.4286美元,过去1小时内最高涨幅超过23%,日内涨幅为32.57%,行情波动较大,请做好风险控制。

2024-08-14 17:27:02